March 9, 2025 Letter to America Official Web Site

Why a fight over closing down a global media outlet that rivals or surpasses BBC? ‘To Kill the Democratic Spirit of the Region’

“Politicians are known by the companies they keep, journalists and their news outlets are often judged by the enemies they make”
Published on Jul 1, 2017

We begin this week with a look at ourselves – the Al Jazeera media network – which is at the heart of the current diplomatic showdown in the Gulf.

A Saudi-led coalition of countries backed by US president Donald Trump, is demanding Qatar’s government shuts down its prized Al Jazeera Media Network. Qatar refuses and says the future of Al Jazeera is non-negotiable.

Ever since Qatar launched the first pan Arab news channel, Al Jazeera Arabic, in 1996, the network has infuriated many Arab rulers by providing the kind of news coverage that viewers in those countries – raised on a strict diet of state-controlled TV – had not seen before, at least not in Arabic.

Over those two decades, some of Qatar’s neighbours launched their own state-funded TV pan-Arab news channels to present an alternative, more controlled narrative. The idea was to counter voices on Al Jazeera Arabic, some of which those governments say should never be offered an on-air platform, Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood being one example of that.

There are as many angles to this story as there are governments involved and with the Trump White House also in the mix, the implications now extend well beyond the Middle East.

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Philip Curnow 

Al-Jazeera was the first Arab channel to introduce proper investigative journalism and the first to entertain all kinds of previously off-llimits. Such iconoclasm demolished social, political and religious taboos and set a new standard of reporting in the region. It drastically pushed back the boundaries of free speech. Closing Al Jazeera not the way forward for the region.


Qatar have been bigger now in my eyes. I cant imagine how difficult is it for such small country to contain their ability to stay against all of those huge countries ( USA, KSA, Egypt ). Good for Qatar for deffending Real News. ☝May God be with you ☝

Niz Niz 

I stand with Qatar


Andrew Bailey Yes, and the UAE

Zunair Qureshi 


Amir Fahmi 

Jew want to destroy Qatar for Israel !


Amir Fahmi Lol. Qatar and isreal are not enemies

Jamal Abed 

Agreed, Israel wants Qatar to close aljazerra because its the only media outlet that first brings any news that happens in the middle east first and un bias

Omar Wacays 

Trump, Netanyahu, Saudi, Emirates, Bahrain & Sisi of Egypt are all stupid & don’t have thick skin.

A Platform 4 Pueblo 

Go Al Jazeera!!!

Fel Ani 

Yes please. Go away.


Never give in! Stay strong AJ 🙂

bla ba 

al jazeera is a propaganda channel that aims to serve the geo-political agenda of qatar

indonesian maid 

Fel Ani hai, I vote for Al jazeera not CNN, otherwise CNN Indonesia is in indonesian languange not in English.

Fel Ani 

I understand AlJazeera and CNN present their propaganda in different languages. Both poison truth.

ԋαɳʂ ωolʇ 

no retreat al jazeera and dont bow down to the usa and saudi arabia good luck qatar peace


I am so glad that we have Al Jazeera in the West. Thank you for being here. The biggest bullies in the world, Trump and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia… really believe they own the world.

Supporter van de Europese Unie 

R.B.R Well, it’s like the whole world is against Al-Jazeera. How could that be? Maybe because they mastered the infiltration of like every important ideology to promote their Islamist agenda?

Supporter van de Europese Unie 

R.B.R They also aren’t afraid to destabilise a country just for their ideology. Egypt is the clearest example of this. Al-Jazeera was promoting the stepping down of Mubarak which was a military dictator. This led to the rise of Morsi. He was a terrible Islamist. Al-Jazeera didn’t stop promoting this guy. The Egyptians were getting enough of him and the military took the power once again. Now that guy called al-Sisi is leading the country. Not quite competent, but at least he’s secular to a certain extent.

Harshvardhan Sinha 

Even I am against this action of Saudi and its partners to control media. But I support them on this issue. You yourself said that this channel is owned by Qatari government and it also seems from your news whatever I seen you are basically pushing Qatari propaganda. Thus instead of closing, what I would suggest is change in Al jazeera administration so that you can present unbiased news.

Ghiffary 14 

Harshvardhan Sinha indians are never learn they were always triggered when india being on the topic whether its a good or critism news indian always triggered and say “you’re qatar aarabb fundeeed terooorist countree and you slaving the cheap worker cheateed woorld cuup” haha indians ????

Abang Man 

Real Qatar TV Al Jazeera Right but Fake USA TV CNN LOL off

Fel Ani 

They are all fake.

Aziz Bin Khaled 

Al-Jazeera ( backed by Qatari foreign ministry) .. support the ruining of the region . The interviews of Osama bin Laden was exclusive on Al-Jazeera why?

B. K. 

Aziz Bin Khaled Shh shh those are details. Stop thinking for yourself. Accept the narrative! ?


Aziz Bin Khaled because their reporters are professionals. 90% of reporters now days work for government agencies.

Nazir Ali 

Aljazeeras reporting are so informative rest of Arab news chanels are totally baised thay only defend the interest of Arab regime… well done Aljazeera keep it up your struggle to entertain the world fair nd transperent news.

Malay Kumar Parida 

We indians always helped quatar and also helping you now with food and supplies at this critical moment but you end up publishing docunentaries against india

Fel Ani 

+HyacinthMacaw You are correct. Malay Kumar Parida is correct. The result is akin to me telling you “You have kicked me in the face once a week for the last decade”, and you replying “Yes, but I made you a sandwich.” You have also inadvertently outlined a grand part of AlJazeera’s “business” model.

internet mail 

Qatar is just a giant floating US aircraft carrier.

No to radicals 

Aljazeera news shutdown is valid, they coverage is biased and prapoganda prone


Praveen Khare Proof? What about the tons of Indian news channel which are biased and inform fake news?

Fel Ani 

The Bana Alabed stories. All propaganda, the girl could not speak a word of English to an interviewer, she can only “speak” English phonetically and with coaching. The White Helmet “heroes” of Aleppo…who moonlinght for ISIS 23 hours and 59 minutes a day, and were caught on film staging scenes of tragedy. That will just start the list of propaganda fake videos which AlJazeera goes to the scene and films and then presents, and then defends. If you haven’t caught on by now…we understand the pretense.

ajinkya gadgil 

Just one reaction on this news ????????????????????????

Malay Kumar Parida 

shut down al Jazeera

Sabby Khan 

We are with Aljazeera… ?

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