March 9, 2025 Letter to America Official Web Site

Corporate Coup and Dysfunctional Democracy

Ralph Nader, Consumer Advocate and former Presidential Candidate, discusses America’s dysfunctional and decayed democracy with Chris Hedges. For the last four decades, since the 1980s, when president Ronald Reagan drastically dismantled healthy regulations and went headlong with the most irresponsible deregulation agenda giving free reign to the corporate America to pursue their predatory agenda, America started to lose its grip on democracy and the society started to become a victim of the ‘power elite.’  The democratic society has been disappearing in America because the government has been rotting.

Trump is a symptom and not the disease. The disease is that plutocracy and oligarchy have long been creeping and infiltrating the system.

Citizens have to wake up to the reality and the take necessary step to change this disgraceful situation otherwise America would soon face monstrous failure in values and condition. It takes only 1% to make a shift in every constituency. This has become imperative now.

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