March 9, 2025 Letter to America Official Web Site

Carl Bernstein on President Trump’s wanting to fire Muller to Stop the Russian Probe

The award-winning journalist Carl Berstein whose work along with that of Bob Woodward on the Watergate Investigation brought the Nixon administration down in 1974, a watershed moment for America as it conveyed to the world that the rule of law prevails and that even the president of the United States of America is not above the law. The world stood in admiration. It was a moral victory for the nation.

Today, history is repeating itself. President Trump is trying his hardest, pulling all his strings, to put himself above the law and abuse the power of his office just as president Nixon wanted to do almost five decades ago. Nixon was brought down by the bipartisan effort just as now a bipartisan will is emerging to impeach president Trump for his audacity to fire the chief investigator,  Robert Muller, in the Russian probe for the American people. The investigation then as it is now for the government to remain transparent before the American public. Again, this will test the strength of the nation to remain a nation of rule of law facing the challenge of an unruly president that is devoid of ethics and sound judgment, devoid of knowledge of American history, devoid of respect for the values and principles on which this great nation was founded and the struggles the nation has gone through to materialize these ideas in the mindset and modus operandi of the society. Trump now wants to trample on these principles.

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